Contact Us
Hacienda Paraisode La Paz Phone Number:
USA +1 (510) 943 4403 MEX +52 (612) 122 2729
De las Rosas #300 Fracc. La Posada, La Paz, MEX
BCS, Mexico, C.P. 23090
Check Availability
All seven of our rooms are non-smoking.
Features common to each room include Private Entrance and Private Bathroom, Secure Safe, Refrigerator, A/C, Fans, Cable TV, Clock Radio, Hair Dryer, WI-FI, Purified bottled Water, closet, beach towels, a table and equipales/chairs.
Our seven rooms are beautifully appointed in the rich fabric of the Mexican artisans and craftsmen who create the warm feel of Mexico. We are pleased to honor these special artists who many times work a lifetime without proper recognition.